Inspiration from Stake Conference

Inspiration from Stake Conference


"We may not be a perfect family, but we can perfect our love for each other."

"We need to know two things, the WHO and the WHY of ministering.  The WHO is who are we doing it for? We do it for Heavenly Father. The WHY is because we love Him. It is only when we know and love Heavenly Father that we are able to share that love with others."

Revelation from the Holy Ghost

"We need to SEEK for inspiration. If we don't it will be hard to hear. We need to practice and practice, over and over again."

"The Spirit doesn't usually give you inspiration for the future He gives you your promptings to do NOW"


"A saint is a sinner who keeps trying"

Book of Mormon 

"Motivating ourselves to read the Book of Mormon is like eating. Some days we have really good delicious meals  and some days we eat because we just need the calories. We need to be "eating" everyday. We need those spiritual calories" 


"Instead of saying let's go to the temple say, lets go visit Jesus Christ in His house."

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